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how to sell a timeshare

If you're wondering How To Sell A Timeshare, you're not alone. Many timeshare owners find themselves struggling to sell their properties, which can be a time-consuming and uncertain process. At Legacy Exit Group, we offer a better solution - timeshare exit programs. Our team of experts can help you exit your timeshare contract quickly and efficiently, without the hassle of trying to Sell Your Timeshare. With our timeshare exit programs, you can say goodbye to the ongoing fees and maintenance costs associated with timeshare ownership and move forward with the financial freedom and flexibility you deserve. Contact us today to learn more about how our timeshare exit services are a better solution than trying to figure out how to Sell Your TimeshareREAD MORE...

Do You Qualify to EXIT Your Timeshare?

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5 Stars

“I had no idea that buying a timeshare would have led to such a drastic amount of money being pulled from my budget. Even though I have only used the timeshare once, it felt as though I was paying for it for an entire lifetime! Companies should not be able to take advantage of unsuspecting customers in this way and I’m relieved to say that Legacy stopped them from doing it to me..."

James W.

Legacy Exit Group Client

“I could never express how thankful I am for discovering Legacy. Every family member I consulted with that had used a different company shared a horrifying experience and even after three years, they were still stuck in turmoil. It’s clear that Legacy operated more efficiently and with gusto, propelling the process to move forward quickly.”

Joanne K.

Legacy Exit Group Client

“When it comes to timeshare exits, Legacy Exit Group won’t back down. They don’t accept no for an answer, they fight, and they fight hard. I was grateful every step of the way to have their tenacity in my corner working on my behalf. Throughout the process I experienced how organized and professional they are, and how promptly they communicated with me.”

Charley A.

Legacy Exit Group Client

Why Exiting A Timeshare Is A Better Solution Than Trying To Sell, And How Legacy Exit Group Can Help

If you're a timeshare owner, you may be wondering how to sell your timeshare. While selling a timeshare may seem like a logical solution, it can come with several cons that can leave you feeling frustrated and disappointed. Fortunately, there is a better solution - a timeshare exit company like Legacy Exit Group.


Before we dive into the benefits of exiting a timeshare, let's first explore how to sell a timeshare. Selling a timeshare can be a difficult and time-consuming process, and it's important to understand the challenges involved. The first step is to determine the value of your timeshare. This can be a tricky process, as timeshares often lose value over time and can be difficult to compare to other properties.


Once you've determined the value of your timeshare, you'll need to find a buyer. This can be a daunting task, as the timeshare resale market is notoriously difficult to navigate. There are few legitimate buyers, and many scams and fraudulent companies that prey on timeshare owners looking to unload their property. Even if you do manage to find a legitimate buyer, you're unlikely to recoup the full purchase price of your timeshare.


In addition to the difficulty of finding a buyer, there are ongoing costs to consider. Maintenance fees, property taxes, and other expenses can add up quickly, especially if you're not using the property as often as you thought you would. These fees can be particularly burdensome for retirees or those on a fixed income.


Given the challenges of selling a timeshare, it's no wonder that many timeshare owners are turning to timeshare exit companies like Legacy Exit Group. These companies specialize in helping people exit their timeshare contracts, and offer a variety of solutions to fit your specific needs and budget.


One option is a timeshare cancellation, which involves legally terminating your timeshare contract. This means you'll no longer be responsible for maintenance fees or other costs associated with the property. Legacy Exit Group has a 100% success rate with timeshare cancellations, and we're confident we can help you too.


Another option is a timeshare transfer, which involves transferring your timeshare to someone else, such as a family member or friend. We'll work with you to find a qualified buyer and facilitate the transfer process.


One of the biggest benefits of working with a timeshare exit company like Legacy Exit Group is the peace of mind that comes with knowing you're working with experts in the industry. Our team has years of experience and a deep understanding of the complexities involved in timeshare exits. We'll work with you every step of the way to ensure that you're fully informed and comfortable with the decisions you make regarding your timeshare.


When considering a timeshare exit, it's important to weigh the tradeoffs involved. Selling a timeshare may seem like the most straightforward option, but it comes with risks and ongoing costs that can leave you feeling frustrated and disappointed. A timeshare exit, on the other hand, can provide a clean break from the property and free you from the financial burden of ongoing fees.


In making decisions about a timeshare exit or how to sell a timeshare, it's also important to consider the impact on your credit score. A timeshare exit may have a negative impact on your credit, depending on the specific circumstances of your contract. Legacy Exit Group can help you understand the potential impact of a timeshare exit on your credit score and provide guidance on how to minimize any negative effects.


In conclusion, selling a timeshare may seem like the most logical solution, but it comes with several cons that can leave you feeling frustrated and disappointed. A timeshare exit company like Legacy Exit Group can provide a better solution, with a variety of options to fit your specific needs and budget. Whether you opt for a timeshare cancellation or a timeshare transfer, our team of experts will guide you through the process step-by-step and ensure that you're fully informed and comfortable with the decisions you make.


At Legacy Exit Group, we believe that everyone deserves to enjoy their retirement without the stress and financial burden of a timeshare. That's why we're committed to providing our clients with the highest quality service and support. We understand the challenges of the timeshare industry and are here to help you navigate them with ease.


So, why wait? If you're feeling trapped in a timeshare you no longer want, contact Legacy Exit Group today and take the first step towards a brighter future. Fill out our short assessment and let us help you exit your timeshare contract for good.


In summary, while selling a timeshare may seem like a logical solution, it can come with several cons that make it a risky and frustrating option. A timeshare exit, on the other hand, can provide a clean break from the property and free you from the financial burden of ongoing fees. Timeshare exit companies like Legacy Exit Group offer a variety of options to fit your specific needs and budget, and can provide the peace of mind that comes with knowing you're working with experts in the industry. When considering a timeshare exit or how to sell a timeshare, it's important to weigh the tradeoffs involved and consider the impact on your credit score. Contact Legacy Exit Group today to learn more about our timeshare exit services and take the first step towards a brighter future.

Who We Are

About us

Partnered Law Firm Carries 25+ Years Experience

Legacy Exit Group is the industry’s premiere choice when it comes to litigating your timeshare contract. We provide personable service to every client, helping those who feel misrepresented or experiencing an increase of undisclosed maintenance fees put upon them by high pressure sales tactics. Our mission is to provide our customers with a hassle-free resolution.

Our vision is to be the most trusted and reliable resource for those seeking legal timeshare representation. We are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and professionalism, while always putting our clients first.

Contact Us

7014 E Camelback Rd. Suite 1452

Scottsdale, AZ 85251

Operating Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 7:00 pm MST
9:00 am - 2:00 pm MST
Closed - By appointment Only


Timeshare Exit

Legacy Exit Group is the industry’s premiere choice in timeshare exit resolutions. Our mission is to provide our customers with a hassle-free exit solution. Our vision is to be the most trusted and reliable resource for timeshare cancellation services nationwide. We are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and professionalism, while always putting our clients first.

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 Legacy Exit Group LLC 

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